April 2nd until May 4th 2013
Multimedia exhibition “Kinderen van de Hoop” (“Children of Hope”), in the Library 'VANnU' in Roosendaal, Holland.

  • B&W portraits and selection of color photos from photobook “Kinderen van de Hoop” (“Children of Hope”) See: Spotlight on.
  • Multimedia installation Open Eye – Open I; The Battle after Terror: photos rehabilitation-process survivor suicide-attack, video-animation & poetry Click here.
  • Screening documentaries: open Eye – open I and At the Dream’s Edge.
  • Collage Israel 1991-2002, and photos of Israeli and Palestinian youth in Tel Aviv & Jaffo/Israel and Bethlehem/Palestinian Authority See: Spotlight on.

Read an article about this exhibition here.

November 2nd through December 14th 2009
“Springlevend”, Synagoge Enschede, Holland
Group-exhibition for 60 year Cefina; contributed with photos of Dutch Haboniem-youth in Israel.

July & August 2008
“Springlevend”, Summer-cafe Joodse Historisch Museum, Amsterdam,
Group-exhibition for 60 year Cefina; contributed with photos of Dutch Haboniem-youth in Israel.

January 2006
“frighten(ed)” - project-week on terror at Ifa-gallery (Institute for Foreign Affairs) in Berlin, Germany.
Multi-media installation ‘Open Eye – Open I’ (the Battle after Terror): photos rehabilitation-process survivor suicide-attack, video-animation and poetry.

September 2004
Fotoweken II, Stichting Beeldende Kunst (SBK), Amsterdam, Holland
Documentary photography from Israel, Sinai, Bolivia.

June 2004
“Generations” Stichting Beeldende Kunst (SBK), Hellevoetsluis, Holland
B&W portraits from photo-book 'Kinderen van de Hoop' ('Children of Hope') & collage 'Israel & Palistinian Authority 1991-2002'.

March 2004
“Art Above All; from the Middle East”, ABC-Treehouse Gallery,Amsterdam
Photos Israel & Israelis abroad, among work from different Israeli & Arab artists.

April - June 1998
“Kinderen van de Hoop” in Jewish Historical Museum, Amsterdam
B&W portraits and selection of color photos from photo-book 'Kinderen van de Hoop' ('Children of Hope').